Friday, 17 August 2007

The Journey and arrival...

wow, what an eventful couple of days!
We set out on wednesday morning just after 10 to Birmingham airport - flying was a pretty scary thing for me, having no experience of it! but wow, that was fun! me and jack sat and watched the ground disappearing below us, then settled down to the great array of films available for us! it was so cooool! :D i caught up on the films i hadn't seen but wanted to (Shrek 3 and Becoming Jane), and watched a good bit of Scrubs while having dinner (meh, it's aeroplane food!). it took my mind off the chicken anyway :p
Then the stop over in Dubai went on FOREVER!! we had about 8 hours...just imagine a GIANT supermarket, with like the moving walkway things and seats either side...we had to try and sleep there! haha! it was very comical, but sleeping people lined the pathways. trying to sleep with *bing bong*Emirates flight 291 to Singapore, boarding...*bing bong* every 5 minutes is not an easy thing though! so subsequently, yesterday we were SO shattered, all of us, including Leanne - even though she slept pretty much the WHOLE time! lucky so and so.
The second flight, from Dubai to Entebbe, was not quite as nice, as the seats were less comfortable, the films weren't as good and we were all so tired it was a bit weird. Also, the descent was V weird, and quite bumpy, but we survived! So all in all, it went ok, and pretty much on time, and we got through the flying part of the trip.

Arriving at Entebbe airport was really exciting, and Steve and Joel came in one car to pick us up, and Dan came a little while later (because we obviously couldn't all fit into one car!). Maddy and the boys went with Steve one way, and us girls went to Kampala to change our money with Dan. This was highly eventful! we tried the first place and they wouldn't change English money, and the second place was closed...the only way we could get to the third place in time before it closed was to get on the motorbikes which weaved through the traffic!!! So we all mounted a motorbike and careered through Kampala and back again! it was amazing fun, but slightly unnerving because the concept of stopping distances goes completely out the window! and no helmets either! but again, very good survival rate ;)
We finally arrived at Kasana quite late, because traffic has been pretty tragic, but the place was beautiful to look at, and we were all excited (and desperate for the loo) on arrival. and very tired.
So now, having slept, here we are! we've just had a properly tropical rainstorm, which was pretty cool, and the boys have been running around with HUGE smiles on their faces! so it's all good. all good.

Oh, and i got my As results on arrival, via email, too. Good Stuff :)
Anyway, lots to do today, so i'm sure there'll be another update soon! much love from us all here, Em x


Anonymous said...

Great to see the first "live report" and to hear that you all survived the epic journey OK (almost a little too much information about the motorbikes there, Em!).

Really looking forward to hearing about it all as you get stuck in, and we pray you will all see God at work in amazing ways. Love to you all.

Anonymous said...

woweeeeeeeee sounds cool the first plane sounds MUCH nicer then the second one! what type of stuff are you going to do? Hey tresna!(catherine) how yall doin! !!! please come home i need ya!!! lauren goin tomoz! hav to ride round Pitsford resouvoir,i call it the pits resouvour! lol! luv u loads!

Anonymous said...

good to hear your stories so far... i remember those bikes... dont tell my dad- he doesnt need to know, especially not sidesaddle on a bumpy track...)
lots of love to you all
emma x

Anonymous said...

hope your all well have a lovely time just sending my love hope to hear from you soon

Anonymous said...

thanks for all your comments, we look forward to them!

we are taking care of the girls honestly!
