Saturday, 21 July 2007


I'm looking for some I the only one feeling SLIGHTLY scared about our very VERY close trip to the land of scary frogs?

See what I mean...just look at Fred the frog, look at his hands and tell he isn't thinking of ways to join me in the shower?!

I am feeling just how Zoe the Zebra is feeling on George the Giraffe...scared stiff! (and yes Zoe told me herself-she emailed me!)
As the trip draws nearer my anxiety increases!

Friday, 20 July 2007

More cash

I don't think I have put anywhere so far about the extra cash we are gonna take out? Maddy mentioned that people have given enough for some playground equipment - a little over £500.

But also the Oakleaf Trust - a trust given into by the various Oakleaf Companies - has also decided to donate a further £1000 towards school equipment, eg reading schemes and the like.

What a privilege to be able to take out a good chunk of cash that will really make a difference!!

£1500, by the way, is about 5,250,000 Ugandan Shillings!! [that's 5 1/4 million!!]

Wednesday, 18 July 2007

What do we reckon?

Does anyone reckon i'll actually be able to NOT read my new Harry Potter book before we go, and save it for the flight as originally planned?

The liklihood of this happening is seeming to get smaller and smaller as the event gets nearer! lol!

I think i might have to find some other riveting literature to take with me in its place to entertain me on the plane.
Either that, or you guys are going to have to be LOADS of fun for a really long time! ;)

i'm so excited about it now! Only one more jab to go for me now, then we're good to go.


Tuesday, 17 July 2007

hey guys - thought i'd give a little input into my run-up to the trip considering I live so far from you all, making it a lot harder to share in most of the excitement (and other stuff that happens during the run-up to exciting trips such as this one)...

so, just finished KBC and moved back up north. it's really difficult, not seeing everyone, and suddenly losing a lot of the close support you get so used to. i know God is my first port-of-call, and He's really been coming through for me (again!) and for that i'm really grateful. i know He's preparing me for university (in september), when i will most probably go through difficult times, but even with that in mind... i'm still struggling to keep my attitude positive about leaving! but on the other hand, it has been lovely to spend some quality time with my family.

i can't wait for the trip to Uganda, God's going to do so much in us and through us while we're there, it'll be so amazing. not too sure about the no-sleep approach though mica! love to know if there's anything people want prayer for - give me a little more info about you all, and a focus for the billions of free time i'm finding myself with these days!

blessings to you all and hope to see you at 28:18 :)

hmmmm i wonder...........

do u think i will b able to smuggle ketchup into Uganda? i was thinkin ov buyin it wen we were at the airport! i hope it doesnt explode!! woops

Uganda here we come!!

Woo im wel excited and i cant wait till we finally arrive to our destination! ive jus seen photos ov the massive airport tht we have to stay at! tht looks wkd! a giant game ov hide and seek needs to be played! no sleepin for me!!!! let the party begin!! woo woo

Where is New Hope?

It is very possible that I am the only one really bothered about this, but just in case I am not, I thought I would share my findings.

It took a bit of a random route to find - some geeky gps/waypoint tracking website; an American camera man who happened to go there... I had to sign up and there it gave me the exact coordinates. The centre is around 3 miles WNW of the small village of Kiwoko. I can't seem to find it on Google Maps, but you can on Google Earth.

The coordinates are:
N 0° 51' 08.4600" E 32° 20' 12.8400" [or N 00° 51.141 E 032° 20.214]

Here are the piccies from Google Earth. Click on the image and look out for the yellow peg:

P.S. Yes you are right it is completely in the middle of nowhere...

Saturday, 14 July 2007

Special offers

Just thought you should all know Boots own insect repellent with 50%DEET is on buy one get one free at present as is Dioralyte!!!

Friday, 13 July 2007

Post pub quiz musings

WOW. We have just had a great night at Parklands. Loads of people turned up for quiz & fish & chips. It is really amazing to see people taking part in that sort of event. I am amazed and humbled by everyones generosity. Not that the money is for us it is a gift towards playground equipment for the Kassana Childrens Centre. Even so a big thanks to all who gave time, energy and money to make it happen. More gifts were given as the night drew to a close. I thought you all should know that we now have the exact amount required for the playground equipment. God is cool like that don't ya think. So if any of you are worrying about getting money together for the trip (myself included) - don't worry just remember God is cool like he was tonight.

Thursday, 12 July 2007

Testing ...

Every blog starts with a test post... this is ours ...